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  • After you have registered, you can start exploring our site here.

To begin finding out about Developmental Trauma, what it is, how it is caused, and how to heal it, you are invited to become a member of our community. Complete our Registration Form and begin exploring!

      • What would you like to heal?
      • How would you like to participate in a Community for Human Flourishing?
      • How do you intend to contribute to a Community for Human Flourishing?

Subscription Options

When you are ready, sign up for the paid subscription that meets your needs, and gain access to in-depth expert knowledge that will help you transform your life and make a difference in the world.

Basic Membership -  FREE! - gives you access to our site

Public Membership - for the general public - join our community

$1.00 CDN per month - ongoing membership

Professional Membership - new tools for professionals

$2.00 CDN per month - ongoing membership

Business Membership - for business owners

$5.00 CDN per month - ongoing membership

Life Coaching
- For Members of our Community
- Sessions arranged with Ian Johnson, Ph.D. via Skype or phone

$200.00 CDN per month - four 1 hour sessions - one-time purchase

Executive Coaching, Business Consulting
- For Professional and Business Members - Social Entrepreneurs
- Sessions arranged with Ian Johnson, Ph.D. via Skype or phone

$300.00 CDN per month - four 1 hour sessions - one-time purchase

Social Engagement Solutions – Building Communities For Human Flourishing